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Kindergarten Teacher: To get to the other side

Aristotle: It is the nature of chickens to cross the road

Ronald Reagan: I forgot

Bill Clinton: I’ve had so many chicks, I can’t remember…

Richard Nixon: The chicken did not cross the road. I repeat, the chicken did not cross the road

Computer programmer: In order for the chicken to cross the road safely, they not only need one driver to access the server farm, they need a few, if not they will hang in the middle of the road

Bill Gates : I have just released the new Chicken Office 2010, which will not only cross roads, but will lay eggs, file your important documents and unbalance your checkbook

Jerry Seinfeld : Why does anyone cross a road? I mean, why doesn’t anyone ever think to ask “What the heck was the chicken doing walking around all over the place, anyway?

Karam Singh Walia: Seperti yang saudara dapat lihat, kelihatan ayam-ayam itu sedang melintas jalan, mereka bukan sahaja melintas jalan malah membuang najis di atas jalan dan ini adalah pencemaran yang paling hebat di maya pada masa ini. Bapa-bapa dan ibu-ibu ayam haruslah mengambil inisiatif untuk melatih ayam-ayam ……agar menahan najis sewaktu melintas jalan, sekian saya sudahi dengan…..Ayam di jalan dilintaskan, ayam di reban makan tak makan…….

Mahathir: You know, I am tired of all this….’apa nama’ chicken-chicken bisnes….the foreign powers should stop intervening in our domestic affairs and just leave our chickens alone..if they want to……’apa nama’ cross the road, they should be allowed to cross the road………..Malaysia is a democratic country, we let our chickens do whatever they want to do……..as long as they don’t threaten the Malay unity and try to topple the government………

Abdullah Badawi: Ini semua adalah khabar angin sahaja.jangan percaya khabar-khabar angin ini semua………biasalah ini adalah tektik pembangkang untuk memecah belahkan perpaduan ayam-ayam semua………..jangan percaya……….jangan percaya……

Samy Vellu: Ayyooyoo…………belakang cerita lain kali, kita sude bikin banyak jembatan, itu ayam musti guna jembatan untu lintas itu jalan lagi pun kalu itu ayam mau pigi jalan-jalan, beritau sama saya juga, saya bolley buat lebbey banyak toll………


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